Thank you cards written by students thanking educators for helping them learn to read

Process to Obtain Approval to offer a Dyslexia Specialist Endorsement Program

  1. Complete “Application to Offer Dyslexia Specialist Endorsement Program in the State of Iowa” packet and Iowa Department of Education program change/new program request form (available by request to, and email materials to
  2. The Iowa Reading Research Center, Iowa Board of Educational Examiners, and the Iowa Department of Education will individually review application packet. The Iowa Department of Education will notify the applicant of the decision. Please plan for the full review of your application packet to take 2.5-4.5 months.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What Are the Requirements That a Dyslexia Specialist Endorsement Program Must Meet?

A: Programs must:

  • have a physical presence in the State of Iowa
  • be 18 semester hours
  • offer two practicum experiences delivering both standardized and formative assessments and evidence-based interventions
  • contain coursework to prepare students to meet the State of Iowa Requirements of Endorsees:
    • a strong understanding of structured literacy instruction; the neurobiological nature, cognitive-linguistic correlates, developmental indicators, compensatory behaviors, potential psychological factors, and co-occurring disorders of dyslexia;
    • demonstrated skill in administering informal and formal assessments related to dyslexia;
    • demonstrated skill in delivery of explicit, systematic literacy intervention;
    • demonstrated skill in developing and supporting services for students with characteristics of dyslexia including those who are eligible for services under chapter 256B or section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. §794, as amended;
    • demonstrated skill in the design and implementation of accommodations and modifications;
    • demonstrated competence in creating a dyslexia-friendly learning environment;
    • and demonstrated skill in the use and integration of assistive technology
  • this endorsement shall, at a minimum, require three years of prior teaching experience and completion of a supervised practical experience

Q: After We Submit Our Application Packet, How Long Will It Take To Receive a Final Decision?

A: We expect you will be notified of the final decision within 2.5–4.5 months.

Q: If Our Application Is Denied by the IRRC, May We Resubmit at a Later Date?

A: Yes. Applicants who are denied are able to resubmit after addressing feedback from the IRRC.

Q: Will Approved Programs Need to Undergo a Continuing Review or Provide Updates on Changes?

A: Yes. Approved programs shall be required to submit to a biannual review by the Iowa Reading Research Center. This will include providing updated course syllabi and CVs for instructors to ensure program requirements and International Dyslexia Association standards are still being met.

Programs shall also provide updated CVs for teaching instructors any time there is a new instructor hired by the program to be the official course instructor of record. The Iowa Reading Research Center will engage the review with approved institutions in the spring semester of alternating years.

Q: Is There a Limit on How Many Entities Can Be Approved to Offer Dyslexia Specialist Endorsement Programs?

A: No. Entities that submit application packets with programs designed to meet the requirements will be approved.