Are you a school or district interested in data-based decision-making? Are you interested in cutting-edge research on literacy practices for PK–12 students? The Iowa Reading Research Center offers two types of school and district partnerships for PK–12 local education agencies: research partner and/or data partner (see below for more information).
At no cost, we provide research and technical assistance services to schools and districts in Iowa. For a fee, we offer similar services to schools and districts outside of Iowa. Below, we briefly describe the services provided by the IRRC, the types of school or district partnerships (i.e., research partner and data partner), the benefits of becoming a partner, and how to request more information.
The IRRC’s Services to Schools and Districts
The Iowa Reading Research Center conducts research and evaluation studies to guide the improvement of literacy instruction and the reading performance of students. Our rigorous studies can identify valid and reliable reading assessments, guide data-based decision-making practices, and inform high-quality professional development for educators. Findings of research conducted at the IRRC have a direct application to schools and classrooms, and they can inform literacy education policy in Iowa and across the United States.
The IRRC’s Research and Data Partnerships
Schools and districts can become an IRRC research partner and/or an IRRC data partner. With each type of partnership, we work with you on creating a service agreement that details the scope of intended services, measurables or deliverables, and a timeline for completion. For both types of partners, we provide a mix of remote (i.e., online) and in-person support.
Research Partners
What We Provide You
- Participate in IRRC-led research projects on PK-12 literacy instruction and assessment.
- Receive in-school and classroom support from IRRC staff and researchers on implementation and measurement.
- Collaborate with the IRRC to create custom research projects to answer important questions for your school and district.
- View custom data reports for each project (e.g., teacher or student outcomes).
What You Provide Us
- Data specific to research questions
- Data pertaining to students' overall literacy performance
Data Partners
What We Provide You
- Receive seasonal support (i.e., fall, winter, and spring) to analyze universal screening and progress monitoring data.
- Participate in ongoing professional development presentations throughout the school year.
- Reserve specific dates and times with IRRC technical assistance providers to meet with district/school leadership and coach teachers.
What You Provide Us
- Student demographic data
- Teacher demographic data
- Student achievement data
Broadly speaking, we collect two types of data. For data partners, we help analyze data collected by your school personnel, such as student demographics (e.g., special education status), teacher demographics (e.g., number of years teaching), and student achievement data (e.g., data from seasonal universal screeners and statewide assessments).
For research partners, we help collect and analyze data specific to research questions. For instance, when studying effects of a handwriting curriculum, we would help collect and analyze data related not only to handwriting development (e.g., legibility and fluency) but to overall literacy performance (e.g., early reading).
Benefits of Becoming a School or District Partner
As a research center, we are driven to use evidence to improve the literacy outcomes of PK–12 students in Iowa and beyond. There are numerous benefits to becoming a school or district partner:
- Data-driven insights: Learn how to use universal screening data to improve school-wide systems.
- Development and innovation: Receive research-based recommendations based on cutting-edge research that answers important questions at your school or district.
- Ongoing support: Meet with IRRC technical assistance providers to engage in timely data-based decision-making and professional development throughout the school year.