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The Iowa Reading Research Center Advisory Council advises and assists the IRRC through:
Representing stakeholder voices and perspectives in the area of literacy
Fostering collaboration between the Iowa Reading Research Center and the evaluation community
Staying abreast of emerging trends, research, and effective literacy practices
Identifying additional research needs and ways to apply research to practice in Iowa schools and communities
Reviewing and recommending projects and priorities to the Iowa Department of Education
What Members Are Saying About the Advisory Council
"The IRRC is an awesome resource for our state. It needs an advisory council to champion its cause and to provide feedback and direction on priorities. Council members are driven to turn research into action and ultimately to improve outcomes for students. We serve as listeners, critical friends, and advocates for the transformative work of the IRRC."
“The Advisory Council offers a way for groups who care about literacy in Iowa to share input and feedback with the IRRC, so they can best meet the needs of Iowa students, teachers, and communities.”