Erick Pruitt

School District Superintendent

Dr. Erick Pruitt is the superintendent of Ankeny Community School District.

In his first year with Ankeny Schools, Dr. Pruitt led the district to create a new Strategic Plan, DEI Framework, and Graduate Profile. Over the past 25 years, Dr. Pruitt has worked as a teacher, principal, and district leader. Throughout Dr. Pruitt’s leadership, he has been instrumental in the development of district strategic plans in collaboration with numerous stakeholders, prioritizing the integration of diversity, equity, and inclusion into the overall district vision. Dr. Pruitt is an advocate and leader for the development of high-quality instruction and relationship-building with all stakeholders.

He is a native of Indianapolis, IN, and a proud United State Marine Corps veteran. Dr. Pruitt earned his B.A. in Elementary Education from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, his M. Ed. from Loyola University Chicago, and his Ed. D. from National Louis University. Dr. Pruitt has been married to his wife Kenya, a counselor, for 29 years and they are the proud parents of five children.

Term: 2023–2027 

Erick Pruitt