Graphic for Teaching Students to Map Phonemes to Graphemes eLearning Module with a black cell background and yellow block of text

Before students can sound out words and become proficient readers, they must know how to pronounce letters (graphemes) and letter combinations that make up the sounds (phonemes) in words. In this module, participants will learn about grapheme-phoneme mapping and its importance for literacy development, a strategy for teaching grapheme-phoneme mapping, how to support English learners developing these skills, and how to prepare students for peer-mediated and independent practice.

Estimated Time to Complete the Module

1 hour, 35 minutes

Teaching Students to Map Phonemes to Graphemes Module Sections:

Section 1: How Knowledge of Grapheme-Phoneme Correspondences Supports Literacy Development

Section 2: An Instructional Routine for Teaching Grapheme-Phoneme Mapping

Section 3: Student Practice in Grapheme-Phoneme Mapping

Grade Range

Kindergarten through Grade 3 (would also be appropriate for teachers of older students who have serious reading difficulties such as dyslexia)

Registration Cost

  • Free for: Iowa in-service K–12 teachers, AEA personnel, Iowa college students
  • $15 for: all others