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Dyslexia Overview Module
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- eLearning Registration
- Dyslexia Overview Module
- Effective Literacy Instruction Module
- Effective Vocabulary Instruction After Reading: Frayer Model Module
- Interactive Reading Module
- Small-Group, Skills-Based Instruction Module
- Teacher Tools for Universally Implementing Structured Literacy Content Module
- Teaching Students to Map Phonemes to Graphemes Module
- Understanding and Observing the Literacy Skills Associated With Dyslexia Module
- Using Text Structures to Understand and Summarize Text Module

This module is designed to provide an overview of this reading disability, no matter the participant’s prior knowledge of dyslexia.
Certification for College Students
The Iowa State Board of Education requires teacher preparation programs to address the literacy needs of students with disabilities such as dyslexia. To support undergraduate and graduate students as they increase their knowledge of reading disabilities, the Iowa Reading Research Center is offering students in teacher certification, reading endorsement, or reading specialist certification programs the opportunity to earn a certificate for completing the Dyslexia Overview module and earning a score of 80% or better on the posttest. Participants will retain access to the module and downloadable certificate for one year. We encourage instructors to incorporate this training into their course requirements.
Satisfy Requirement for Educators
In-service teachers and other educators in Iowa are required to complete the Dyslexia Overview module to refresh and enhance their knowledge of this disability. The base of knowledge provided by the module will help them recognize when students might be exhibiting signs of dyslexia. The module also covers the important elements of a supportive learning environment for students identified with dyslexia.
As stipulated in Senate File 2356 signed into law in 2020, all current in-service educators employed by school districts and Area Education Agencies will need to complete the Dyslexia Overview module by July 1, 2024 or within one year of employment after July 1, 2024. This includes:
- Any person employed by an AEA who holds a license, certificate, statement of recognition or authorization other than coaching.
- School district personnel with the following endorsements:
- PK-K teacher, prekindergarten-kindergarten classroom (103)
- PK-K early childhood special education (262)
- Elementary special education (260; 263; 264)
- Prekindergarten through grade 3 (100; 106)
- Birth-grade 3 inclusive settings (1001)
- Dyslexia specialist (1761)
- English as a second language (104)
- School district practitioners and paraprofessionals assigned as:
- Title I teachers (102; 148; 176)
- Title I paraprofessionals under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Educators should contact their supervisors with any questions related to fulfilling this requirement.
For a more detailed look at the literacy skills that may be an indicator of dyslexia, please see our Understanding and Observing the Literacy Skills Associated with Dyslexia module.
Knowledge for Families
Families in Iowa with a child with dyslexia may complete the Dyslexia Overview module to gain a basic understanding of this disability. The knowledge gained may be helpful in advocating for the child at school and providing a common starting point in knowledge for families and educators who have completed the module.
Estimated Time to Complete the Module
1 hour, 10 minutes
Module Topics
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Myths
Part 3: Neurobiological Factors
Part 4: Recognizing Potential Signs of Dyslexia
Part 5: Features of Instruction
Registration Cost
- Free for: All Iowa residents (e.g., Iowa college students, in-service teachers, family members)
- $10 for: All non-Iowa individuals