Graphic for Effective Vocabulary Instruction After Reading with IRRC logo and yellow and black design

Using a specialized graphic organizer to explore vocabulary words more deeply after reading helps students develop their understanding of important words and concepts used in school texts. In this module, participants learn about effective vocabulary instruction, the kinds of vocabulary words to select from a text, the main components of the research-based Frayer Model, and the steps to implementing vocabulary instruction using the Frayer Model.

Two Versions With Customized Content for Different Grade Levels

There are two versions of this module:

  • Elementary version for Grades 1–5: Students in these grades must understand the meanings of academic words they are expected to read and use to learn.
  • Secondary version for Grades 6–12: Vocabulary knowledge in these grades is critical to students’ ability to understand content-area texts and communicate what they have learned about important concepts through writing and discussion.

Both versions contain much of the same content but use different classroom scenarios, examples, videos, and vocabulary words appropriate for the grade levels.

Estimated Time to Complete the Module

1 hour, 20 minutes

Effective Vocabulary Instruction Module Sections

Section 1: Review of Vocabulary Knowledge and Graphic Organizers

Section 2: Selecting Appropriate Vocabulary

Section 3: The Frayer Model

Registration Cost

  • Free for: Iowa in-service K–12 teachers, AEA personnel, Iowa college students
  • $15 for: All others