Activating Background Knowledge Elementary and Middle School Example Lesson Plans

These plans use a famous speech (middle school) and a children's book on frogs (elementary school) as texts and t-chart graphic and semantic web graphic organizers to teach background knowledge. Read more about how background knowledge supports reading comprehension on our blog.

Activating Background Knowledge Middle School Example Lesson Plan

Activating Background Knowledge Elementary School Example Lesson Plan

Example Lesson Plan: Fanfiction

This example lesson plan models teaching students how to craft their own fanfiction stories, based on a book of their choosing. Then, students are guided through the process of providing peer feedback in groups of two or three.

Example Lesson Plan: Fanfiction

Sample Plan for Timed Writing Sessions

This plan introduces picture-word prompts for practicing writing fluency and modeling how to use them for one-on-one and small-group instruction. Also includes providing students with feedback and progress monitoring. Read more about how timed practice promotes sentence fluency on our blog.

Sample Plan for Timed Writing Sessions

Sentence Expanding Elementary and Middle School Example Lesson Plans

These plans provide guided and independent practice on adding details to expand simple sentences. Each plan contains a notes page, a words and phrases bank, and a practice sheet. Read more about expanding sentences on our blog.

Sentence Expanding Elementary School Example Lesson Plan

Sentence Expanding Middle School Example Lesson Plan