Fanfiction Writing Prompts

These fanfiction writing prompts are appropriate for middle- and high-school students. They can be used in the classroom or at home.

Fanfiction Writing Prompts

Genre-Themed Writing Prompts

These genre-themed writing prompts are a fun and creative way to help your students develop important writing skills while also gaining familiarity with some of the most popular fiction and nonfiction genres. Each set includes 10 total writing prompts that encourage responders to draw from Common Core ELA Writing Standards skills. Tips for including reflection and providing teacher or caregiver feedback are also included. In addition, this resource includes a genre guide that caregivers and educators can use to introduce writers to each genre prior to writing.

Printable Prompts With Lines for Writing By Hand

Grades K-2 Genre-Themed Writing Prompts

Grades 3-5 Genre-Themed Writing Prompts

Grades 6-8 Genre-Themed Writing Prompts

Grades 9-12 Genre-Themed Writing Prompts

Prompts With Fillable Fields for Writing via Typing

Grades K-2 Genre-Themed Writing Prompts

Grades 3-5 Genre-Themed Writing Prompts

Grades 6-8 Genre-Themed Writing Prompts

Grades 9-12 Genre-Themed Writing Prompts

Go Outside and Write Writing Prompts

This guide includes outdoor-themed creative fiction and nonfiction writing prompts for children in Grades 3-5. 

Go Outside and Write Writing Prompts

Personal Statement Writing Prompts

These personal statement writing prompts can serve as practice and guidance for high school students needing to respond to similar prompts for college, job, or scholarship applications. Tips for generating ideas and revising are also included.

Personal Statement Writing Prompts 

Poetry Writing Prompts

These poetry writing prompts are appropriate for middle- and high-school students. They can be used at home or in the classroom as creative writing practice.

Poetry Writing Prompts

Fall Writing Prompts

Responding to these fall-themed creative fiction and nonfiction writing prompts can help children and teens keep their literacy skills sharp. Each set includes 10 total prompts that encourage responders to draw from Common Core ELA Writing Standards skills. Tips for including reflection and providing teacher or caregiver feedback are also included.

Printable Prompts With Lines for Writing By Hand

Grades K-2 Fall Writing Prompts

Grades 3-5 Fall Writing Prompts

Grades 6-8 Fall Writing Prompts

Grades 9-12 Fall Writing Prompts

Prompts With Fillable Fields for Writing via Typing

Grades K-2 Fall Writing Prompts

Grades 3-5 Fall Writing Prompts

Grades 6-8 Fall Writing Prompts

Grades 9-12 Fall Writing Prompts

Spring Writing Prompts

Responding to these spring-themed creative fiction and nonfiction writing prompts can help children and teens keep their literacy skills sharp. Each set includes 10 total prompts that encourage responders to draw from Common Core ELA Writing Standards skills. Tips for including reflection and providing teacher or caregiver feedback are also included.

Printable Prompts With Lines for Writing By Hand

Grades K-2 Spring Writing Prompts

Grades 3-5 Spring Writing Prompts

Grades 6-8 Spring Writing Prompts

Grades 9-12 Spring Writing Prompts

Prompts With Fillable Fields for Writing via Typing

Grades K-2 Spring Writing Prompts

Grades 3-5 Spring Writing Prompts

Grades 6-8 Spring Writing Prompts

Grades 9-12 Spring Writing Prompts

Summer Writing Prompts

Responding to these summer-themed creative fiction and nonfiction writing prompts can help children and teens keep their literacy skills sharp. Each set includes 10 total prompts that encourage responders to draw from Common Core ELA Writing Standards skills. Tips for including reflection and providing teacher or caregiver feedback are also included.

Printable Prompts With Lines for Writing by Hand

Grades K-2 Summer Writing Prompts

Grades 3-5 Summer Writing Prompts

Grades 6-8 Summer Writing Prompts

Grades 9-12 Summer Writing Prompts

Prompts With Fillable Fields for Writing via Typing

Grades K-2 Summer Writing Prompts

Grades 3-5 Summer Writing Prompts

Grades 6-8 Summer Writing Prompts

Grades 9-12 Summer Writing Prompts

Winter Writing Prompts

Responding to these winter-themed creative fiction and nonfiction writing prompts can help children and teens keep their literacy skills sharp. Each set includes 10 total prompts that encourage responders to draw from Common Core ELA Writing Standards skills. Tips for including reflection and providing teacher or caregiver feedback are also included.

Printable Prompts With Lines for Writing By Hand

Grades K-2 Winter Writing Prompts

Grades 3-5 Winter Writing Prompts

Grades 6-8 Winter Writing Prompts

Grades 9-12 Winter Writing Prompts

Prompts With Fillable Fields for Writing via Typing

Grades K-2 Winter Writing Prompts

Grades 3-5 Winter Writing Prompts

Grades 6-8 Winter Writing Prompts

Grades 9-12 Winter Writing Prompts