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Asking Questions Graphic Organizer (PreK-Grade 4)
This organizer helps readers develop comprehension skills by learning how to ask questions and look for the answers in a text.
Asking Questions Graphic Organizer (PreK-Grade 4)
Asking Questions Graphic Organizer (Grades 5-12)
This organizer helps readers develop comprehension skills by learning how to ask questions and look for the answers in a text.
Asking Questions Graphic Organizer (Grades 5-12)
Book vs. Movie - Compare and Contrast
This graphic organizer helps children organize their thoughts about the similarities and differences between a book and a movie telling the same story. Comparing books and their movie adaptations can help motivate students to read and dig deeper into some elements of the text.
Book vs. Movie - Compare and Contrast
Cause and Effect Graphic Organizer
Students can be taught to use this graphic organizer to identify and record events that occur in a text (effect) and the reason why that event occurred (cause).
Cause and Effect Graphic Organizer
Compound Word Meaning
With this graphic organizer, children can identify and define the two words that were combined to make a compound word and use that information to define the compound word. This can help develop morphological knowledge, or the ability to identify and manipulate the smallest units of meaning within a word.
Context Clue Graphic Organizer
Students can identify and keep track of context clues using this graphic organizer by writing down the unfamiliar word, the type of context clue, and the word meaning. Context clues help readers determine the meaning of new words.
Context Clue Graphic Organizer
Forming Opinions
This tool helps users organize their thoughts and learn to form opinions about their reading.
Forming Opinions Graphic Organizer
Improve Your Writing Using Mentor Texts
Questions about a mentor text can guide discussion, help students organize their thoughts, and identify techniques and approaches from the example of good writing that students can use. The organizer can be used in a group or individual setting.
Improve Your Writing Using Mentor Texts
K-W-L Chart
This chart can be filled out by children when reading at home in order to support activation of background knowledge about the topic of a text they are reading. This is intended to help them better understand the text.
Long-Form Writing Graphic Organizer
This graphic organizer can help students set time and word-count goals for writing and track their writing progress.
Long-Form Writing Graphic Organizer
Making and Evaluating Predictions
This graphic organizer helps students write down evidence they find in a text, make a prediction based on that evidence, write down any new evidence they find, and evaluate the prediction they made. Making predictions is a way for students to better comprehend a given text.
Making and Evaluating Predictions
Making Inferences
Using two prompts, users will be able to use this organizer to practice inferencing skills, which are critical for reading comprehension.
Making Inferences Graphic Organizer
POSSUM Graphic Organizer
Educators can use this graphic organizer in the classroom to structure vocabulary learning and help students work through all six elements of the POSSUM approach (phonology, orthography, semantics, syntax, understanding, and morphology). Caregivers may also use this resource to support vocabulary learning while reading with their children at home.
Problem-Solution Text Structure Resources
The Problem-Solution Text Structure Map is a graphic organizer that students can use to organize the structure of a text. This also includes a rubric for educators.
Problem-Solution Text Structure Resources
Sequencing Graphic Organizer
Children can use this graphic organizer for recording the characters, settings, and events of a story. This graphic organizer can be used to help your child identify the elements while reading or listening to a story.
Story Map
Students can be taught to use this graphic organizer as a part of a comprehension strategy to show the elements of a narrative text and check themselves for understanding of those elements.
Suffix Dictionary
A graphic organizer to record the meaning of suffixes in words by writing down the word ending, whether the word is an adjective or a noun, and the meaning of the suffix.
Theme Development Tracker
Adolescents can use this resource to identify themes in literary texts and record textual details that introduce and develop the themes.
What Am I Thinking Organizer
Users of this tool are encouraged to write down their thoughts about a text in four different ways (opinion, reaction, connection, and visualization) and provide reasons from the text for their thoughts.
What Am I Thinking Graphic Organizer
Word Box Template
A graphic organizer designed to help students determine which letters represent the sounds heard in a given word. A graphic representing the word is provided with blank spaces for each sound to be filled in. Both a three-space and six-space word box are included.
Writing an Objective Summary
With this resource that includes a graphic organizer, children follow a step-by-step set of instructions that leads them to write an objective summary of a text. The summary does not include any opinions or judgments.