literacy improvement plan

Is It the Materials or the Instruction That Make For a Good Reading Program?
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Read why teaching in an explicit, systematic way with differentiation is at the heart of the best performing reading programs.

Using a Data-Driven Instructional Cycle to Improve Core Literacy Instruction in Middle School
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Learn about an instructional cycle that also involves coaching and planning next steps as a team in our Q&A with Cedar Rapids Schools’ administrators.

One District’s Journey to Every Middle School Student Achieving Literacy Proficiency
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Cedar Rapids schools are creating a shared literacy instructional vision and partnering with the Iowa Reading Research Center.

Through Professional Development and Comprehensive Support, Literacy Consultants Look to Boost Student Reading Achievement
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Green Hills Area Education Agency enlists Iowa Reading Research Center help in looking at data to evaluate impact of its literacy professional development.

Turning to Systematic Improvements to Boost Middle School Literacy Achievement
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Grant Wood AEA prepares school teams to facilitate literacy achievement for adolescents with training and assistance from the Iowa Reading Research Center.

High-Priority Milestones and EL Considerations: A Deeper Look at the Early Literacy Blueprint Initiative
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
More about the Iowa Reading Research Center’s new efforts to foster student achievement through improving literacy instruction.

Maintain Focus and Commitment with an Improvement Plan: The PROPeL Initiative
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Create an improvement plan and follow it to student success when implementing a literacy initiative.

Delivering the Message About Literacy Improvement Efforts: the PROPeL Initiative
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Positive, student-focused messaging about a literacy initiative delivered to potential audiences via various mediums can gain support for the initiative from important stakeholders.

Director Wise on Supporting Improvement of All Students’ Literacy Skills Through Local Leaders, Ability to Adjust, Data and Assessments
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Iowa Department of Education Director Ryan Wise speaks about his commitment to ensuring all kids have strong literacy skills and more in this Q&A.