
Teacher talking to a pair of students reading new words

Repeated Reading with Goal Setting for Reading Fluency: Focusing on Reading Quality Rather Than Reading Speed

Tuesday, February 5, 2019
A reading fluency instructional approach involving practice with a partner and error correction.
Teacher using a mentor text to help teach her students in a classroom

Using Mentor Texts to Learn From the Best and Improve Students’ Writing

Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Learn about selecting a good mentor text to teach students writing techniques and approaches through instruction and discussion.
Green graphic with IRRC and Green Hills Area Education Agency branding with the text "Green Hills Area Education Agency Literacy Team"

Through Professional Development and Comprehensive Support, Literacy Consultants Look to Boost Student Reading Achievement

Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Green Hills Area Education Agency enlists Iowa Reading Research Center help in looking at data to evaluate impact of its literacy professional development.
Emily Crandall teaching a book in a small group in a classroom

How My Reading Practicum Experience Prepared Me to Be a Teacher

Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Reflecting on her reading practicum experience, Student Assistant Emily Crandall discusses how it prepared her for student teaching
Girl writing in a classroom using a word box

Teaching Letter-Sound Correspondences and Syllable Types for Word Identification

Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Teach students to use a word box to practice letter-sound correspondences or syllables for decoding words.
A woman points to the board while giving a presentation.

Text Structure Mapping: A Strategy to Improve Reading Comprehension of Informational Texts

Tuesday, November 6, 2018
An overview of text structures, why they matter for students’ comprehension of informational text, and a deeper look at text structure mapping as an instructional tool.
Green graphic with IRRC branding and the portraits of the three Q & A participants Wendy Anderson, Laura Johnson, and Chris Klostermann

Turning to Systematic Improvements to Boost Middle School Literacy Achievement

Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Grant Wood AEA prepares school teams to facilitate literacy achievement for adolescents with training and assistance from the Iowa Reading Research Center.
Group of students in a classroom participating in a literacy lesson as their teacher reads a book to them on the carpet

Why the 13 Disability Categories Matter When Planning Reading Interventions

Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Gain a better understanding of the needs students with different disabilities have and the evidence-based literacy interventions that can help.
Girl using a tablet in a literacy class

Responsibly Incorporating Technology into Literacy Instruction

Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Be aware of the limitations and important considerations when utilizing digital tools as part of literacy instruction.
Teacher helping a student with an activity at her desk during class

High-Priority Milestones and EL Considerations: A Deeper Look at the Early Literacy Blueprint Initiative

Tuesday, September 11, 2018
More about the Iowa Reading Research Center’s new efforts to foster student achievement through improving literacy instruction.