
Writing a note on a piece of paper with pen at a desk next to a laptop.

What Makes a Literacy Practice Evidence-Based?

Tuesday, June 6, 2017
With what level of confidence can you say a given literacy instructional practice may work to help students in your school or district learn to read? It all depends on the available research and evidence for that practice.
Different colored sticky notes with "SMART" written and underneath each letter in order: Smart, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Specific

Goal Setting and Progress Monitoring to Address a Literacy Issue: The PROPeL Initiative

Address a literacy challenge by setting a SMART goal, establishing benchmarks in the journey toward that goal, tracking the entire process using progress monitoring, and modifying instruction when progress monitoring suggests you should.
 A young girl reading outdoors on a nice summer day

What Do Students "Lose" in the Summer?

Tuesday, May 9, 2017
We examine the misunderstanding that over the summer, some students are losing months-worth of what they learned about reading during the school year.
A cat stretching its upper body on top of a table

Sentence Expanding: Helping Students Build Stronger Sentences

Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Sentence expanding helps students write strong, clear, and detailed sentences. Teach students this writing technique through explicit instruction.
The roots of a large tree in a green forest environment

Ensuring Focus on the Right Issues to Improve Literacy: the PROPeL Initiative

Tuesday, April 11, 2017
By conducting a root cause analysis, schools and districts can identify the fundamental reasons for a literacy challenge. Learn the three types of root causes and how to verify you have actually identified the root causes.
Young girl in red clothes writing on a piece of paper on a desk

Developing Writers in the Classroom: Fluency With Writing Mechanics and an Engaged Community of Writers

Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Teachers can help students become better writers by teaching and encouraging practice of the mechanics of writing, as well as establishing an environment that motivates them to write.
Black and white image of a student walking with their bike on the sidewalk

Developing Writers in the Classroom: Daily Writing Time and Multipurpose Writing

Monday, March 13, 2017
To become better writers, students need dedicated time to practice writing and instruction on a variety of strategies for writing for multiple purposes and audiences.
Three teachers in a line smile in a classroom while holding books

Getting the Work Started: The PROPeL Initiative

Tuesday, February 28, 2017
School districts involved in the Iowa Reading Research Center’s PROPeL initiative form their local teams and write literacy challenge statements using student literacy data.
An empty road leading into a vast mountain landscape

The Journey Is the Treasure: Providing Just the Right Amount of Background Knowledge to Support Reading Comprehension

Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Young readers can connect their background information to a new text for greater comprehension. Sample lesson plans show how to use this technique in the classroom.
Green graphic with IRRC branding, Q & A, and a portraits of Amy Denney and Stacie Henderson

Sioux City Principals See Improvement in Student Literacy Outcomes and Engagement as Small-Group, Skills-Based Instruction Implementation Continues

Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Monitoring and reviewing student literacy data, teacher commitment, and setting clear expectations have led to success for two principals implementing small-group, skills-based instruction in elementary schools in Sioux City.